

A Future Scenario for a Flourishing Circular Society

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Three Industry Segments to Accelerate Transformation into a Solution Business

Industry Segment Topics

5 categories of OpreX brand

OpreX brand site

Success Stories

BASF Schwarzheide GmbH

Early Pump Cavitation Detection for Effective Operations and Maintenance

Osaka Metro Co., Ltd.

Easy IoT with Sushi Sensors and Load Fluctuation Sensors - Osaka Metro’s pursuit of passenger safety, security, and comfort -

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Sensing Technology and its Applications

Introducing how sensing technology can be applied to generate greater innovations, and looking at the challenges ahead.

KBC Advanced Technologies

KBC identifies, implements and sustains operational excellence for our customers.

Next-Generation Submicron Particle Imaging

FlowCam Nano represents a leap forward in technology and offer the highest-resolution images of submicron particles.

Reweave the World

Energy Systems Convergence leads to global resilience and sustainability in energy, food, and water.

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